A NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER SPRING/SUMMER 2022Becoming is a strange business, isn't it? It is that perfect, evolving balance between what we know to be true and authentically us, the...
HEAVEJust as roots entangled below the ground twist and turn on their unseen journey, dreams, ideas, and life experiences can intertwine,...
DISINTEGRATING THE EGO TO INTEGRATE THE SELF WITH 5-meO-DMTThe journey started over coffee with a dear friend. A harmonic friend, one I’ve known for many lifetimes. As he sat there recounting...
RISING ABOVE THE PAST LIFE LESSON OF SURVIVING THE TITANICThe emergency alarm sounded and a red lightbulb at the top of the exit door began flashing. I was waist deep in the rising water of the...
OPENING TO A NEW UNDERSTANDING OF BALANCEConsidering balance as a function of aperture If you’ve caught yourself thinking, muttering, or otherwise declaring at some point that...
ROOTS RUNRoots run deep. Metaphorically, yes. In reality, it depends upon what those roots encounter on their journey of growth and how much room...