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Do more of what you're passionate about;

do more of what you love


…played an instrument?


…called friends each day?

…did sun salutations?

…had a greater focus on doing what you really want to do?

…decluttered email?

…worked on another language?

…drew or painted?

…finished something that you began studying?

These are just a few examples of things Excuse Fast participants love to do but realized they weren’t doing as often or as much as they liked. 

What would YOU like to be doing more of this month?


1.  Choose ONE thing you're passionate about but don't do as often as you'd like.


2.  Write that idea on a small piece of paper and insert it into an empty jar.


3.  Now, find time to fit that passion into each of the next 21 days.  No excuses for not doing what you love!


4.  Revisit your words in the jar when you're tempted to make an excuse.


5.  Watch your jar fill throughout the year and feel the positive change in your world!


 Join in and drop the excuses!


Feel free to share your focus for the month, celebrate your accomplishments, post for accountability support, or ask questions!

Here is what just a few of the hundreds of participants across the globe have had to say about participating in the Excuse Fast since 2013:

I always loved to paint when I was a child. Now, I love to paint because I know I can.

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